
Moved to Deviant Art :)

Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven’t been here for sooooo long 😦 life’s been busy, you know how it is! Anyway I’ve decided to move my stuff to deviantART so if you’re interested my page is at http://thetipsyfaerie.deviantart.com

Love Mary πŸ™‚

Well that was a very long break but I’m finally back! I’ve run the gauntlet that was my design degree and have made it out the other side with my piece of paper, PHEW!

For my Major work I decided to make five masks inspired by Milton’s Paradise Lost. I’m still getting all the photos together but these are the two I took to go in the exhibition catalogue for the Graduating Exhibition at ANU. They are an angel mask made of silver plated copper (sadly as I was on a students budget at the time I couldn’t afford silver 😦 )and a demon mask made of anodized aluminium. Each one started as a flat sheet of metal which I then sculpted into shape using various hammers and punches, needless to say I had Popeye forearms by the end of it!! Anyway hope you like them! I’ll be posting the others up soon along with progress photos of the making process πŸ™‚

Silver Angel Mask

Aluminium Demon Mask

Soldier of Heaven

Been reading Milton’s Paradise Lost and can’t help but be inspired by the imagery. Here’s a rough sketch of an angel, he’s supposed to be wearing armour of sorts. Hope you like it!


Back at Last!

Wow! I haven’t put anything new on here for so long! My apologies to anyone who has written to me since I was on last, I promise to check more regularly from now on.

Anyway thought I’d start my return by putting up another little sketch I did for fun. I’ve been playing the new game Fable 2 from Lionhead Studios non stop lately and thisΒ  is meant to be my hero. (You can customise your character using different clothes, hairdos etc) She’s havin a few beers after returning from her latest adventure (as you do!).



Well I’ve finally got around to taking a photo of the neckpiece I designed and made earlier in the year! Here it is, hope you like it!



Here is a mask I made a few months ago but have only just got around to taking photos of! It’s made from a flat sheet of copper that I shaped using small steel tools and a hammer. It was very enjoyable to make, a labour of love!



Another Critter

Here’s another little critter! I sketched her up today while taking a break from my uni work (assessment time’s a pain). Haven’t really done any finishing off, just thought I’d put the rough idea up for you! (Click to enlarge)


Here’s a ring I made for a stone setting project at uni. It’s sterling silver with a cubic zirconia in the setting. I kinda like it, if you look at it upside down it looks like Magneto’s helmet(with a flashlight on the front!). Hope you like!

Punk revisited

By request, here’s a spunky punk chick! Hope u all like it (especially Teapothead, thanx for the request!).

Website design

Here’s a design I’ve been working on for the homepage of my website. I’m a little nervous about how it’s gonna turn out, mostly because I don’t feel my work is up to something as formal as a .com but I ‘spose I hafta start somwhere right?